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Swagelok Northern California

Try Electronic Desktop Technical Reference Software

eDTR speeds up searches for Swagelok products & solutions

The eDTR is a free electronic Desktop Technical Reference for Swagelok products. It contains approximately 300 technical catalogs and documents, has an intuitive and searchable eCatalog, easily installs on your computer through a preloaded USB flash drive, and is always current. Currently compatible with PCs, or get the iPad app in the App Store.

Fill the form on this page to request an in-office or virtual demonstration by one of our friendly staff.

(This is not a sales meeting. The demo and software are completely free! If you like, we can help you install it after the demonstration.)

Think of eDTR as catalogs, technical bulletins, installation instructions, videos, and more - all indexed for easy access and delivered via a flash drive no bigger than your index finger. Designed to help you quickly find Swagelok solutions for your fluid system applications, eDTR installs quickly and updates with a click of your mouse. 


  • Contains all current product literature, even catalogues that are not in the binder.
  • Easy to install to any desk or laptop computer via USB port. You have the option to access Swagelok literature through the USB without the need to download software onto your computer.
  • eDTR has an intuitive user interface which makes the software easy to navigate. Ultra-fast searches by product category or key word; on or offline.
  • Free monthly content updates ensure that you have the latest product information.*


  • Save time - no fumbling through multiple catalogues or binders to find what you want.
  • Reduce clutter on desks or shelves by eliminating bulky catalogue racks.
  • Access to the full range of Swagelok products and services quickly and easily at your fingertips - no matter where in the world you are working.
  • eDTR is a “green” alternative to the traditional paper binder offering.

* Note: Must be connected to Internet to receive update alerts.

In a hurry or have a question? Please give us a call at 510-933-6200.

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